Skyrim Dark Elf Female White Hair Violet Eyes Art
The Qunari (literally, "People of the Qun") is the umbrella term most commonly used to depict the white-haired metallic-skinned race of large humanoids and their guild that governs the islands of Par Vollen and Seheron, equally well as the settlement of Kont-aar in northern Rivain, and Qundalon in the Anderfels.[1] [2]
Members of whatever race who adhere to the teachings of the Qun can get "Qunari", merely those other than the original behemothic race, that is humans, elves, and dwarves, are called Viddathari within the Qun.[3] Humans of Rivain and elven slaves of Tevinter are especially susceptible to conversion, although it is not unknown for members of other groups to encompass the Qun.
Members of the aforementioned race born outside of the Qun are not considered to be Qunari within their own order. They are called "Vashoth", which means "grey ones"; as well those who abandon the Qun willingly are known every bit "Tal-Vashoth", "true greyness ones". Most Tal-Vashoth are erstwhile soldiers and go mercenaries, and are considered past Qunari to exist worse than bas - who are not-Qunari foreigners.[three]
Members of the Qunari race are rarely seen exterior of their lands with the exception of Rivain.[four] During the Dragon Age, a fleet of Qunari ships sank in the Waking Body of water between Ferelden and Costless Marches, which resulted in Qunari presence in both of these lands. Tal-Vashoth are much more present in non-Qunari lands, well-nigh commonly equally elite mercenaries, such as the Kadan-Fe in Ferelden and the Valo-Kas in the Free Marches.
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, Qunari are a playable race for the Inquisitor and can be of any grade. The Qunari Inquisitor is a Vashoth; a Qunari who was born exterior of Qunari occupied lands and never needed to pause abroad from the Qun.
Racial benefits: 10% physical impairment resistance.
- 1 Appearance
- 1.1 Horns
- ane.two Hornlessness
- 1.3 Vitaar
- 2 History
- 3 Involvement
- 3.1 Dragon Historic period: Origins
- 3.2 Dragon Age II
- 3.three Dragon Age: Inquisition
- 3.iv Trespasser
- 3.5 Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
- iv The Qun
- v Society and culture
- 5.1 The Triumvirate
- 5.2 Personal identity
- 5.three Family unit ties
- five.4 Reverence
- 5.5 Teaching
- 5.half dozen Gender roles
- 6 Economy
- vii Antaam
- 8 Technology
- viii.1 Notable weapons
- 9 Magic
- ten Outsiders and converts
- 10.i Basalit-an
- xi Language
- 12 Notable Qunari
- thirteen Codex entries
- 14 Notes
- fifteen Trivia
- 16 Run across also
- 17 Gallery
- 18 External links
- xix References
Appearance [ ]
Qunari are more often than not taller and more physically robust than humans. They ordinarily have pare of varying metal colors (such as gold, bronze, and silver), white hair, pointed ears, and vivid eyes with colors like violet, reddish, silver, or yellow.
Horns [ ]
Most Qunari have horns. The horn itself has no nerve endings and tin exist removed[five]; even so, they can still become irritated, thus the Qunari have developed balm[vi]. All of the Qunari seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition take one pair of horns, whereas all but one Qunari seen in the base Dragon Historic period II take ii pairs of horns - ane big and one pocket-sized one; the Arishok is the only one to date to have eight horns in full; it is unknown what determines the number of horns or their size. It should be noted that Salit has six horns in total.
Hornlessness [ ]

Horned/Hornless Qunari
Hornlessness is a rare genetic variation in Qunari, akin to crimson hair in humans. Those born without horns are considered special and are oftentimes given prestigious roles in Qunari lodge such equally a Ben-Hassrath or an envoy to the other races.[7] Sten, who became a companion of the Warden equally a soldier of the Beresaad, falls into this category. Culturally, Qunari associate not having horns with existence imposing or scary, and because of this Tal-Vashoth often decide to remove their own horns.[8] Too, Saarebas, the Qunari mages, have their horns removed to warn of their danger.[9]
Vitaar [ ]
Dissimilar other races in Thedas, Qunari do not adorn themselves with tattoos. Instead they make use of war pigment called Vitaar.[10] [11] This paint is made from a substance toxic to all races except the Qunari themselves. Some Tal-Vashoth, such as Salit, likewise wear Vitaar despite leaving the Qun. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, a Qunari Inquisitor and the Atomic number 26 Bull must utilise Vitaar instead of helmets.[x] Vitaar hardens the peel around the face to give information technology a metal like quality while retaining flexibility.[12]
History [ ]
Before their arrival in Thedas, the aforementioned race were one time a part of the kossith that predated the Qun. The earliest known kossith contact with Thedas was when a colony of them had settled in the southern Korcari Wilds in -410 Ancient. It was overrun past darkspawn during the First Blight, and it is presumably this colony which led to the darkspawn developing ogres.[13] In that location were no other recorded sightings of the horned race for some other 1000 years.

Qunari wearing Vitaar
They returned as the Qunari en masse on warships, called dreadnoughts, and arrived in Thedas from the north in 6:30 Steel.[14] [15] Information technology'south said that they originate from an unknown eastern land across the Boeric Sea.[16] Some scholars theorize that the Qunari come up from the supposed eastern continent known as Amaranth.[17] They one time threatened to conquer all of the known world, but after several Exalted Marches during the Qunari Wars they have lost much of the conquered land. Since then, peace has been made since with every nation except the Tevinter Imperium; with whom they are notwithstanding involved in a prolonged war for dominance of the due north.
- -410 Aboriginal: A kossith colony of horned humanoids settles in the Korcari Wilds merely is obliterated by darkspawn during the Kickoff Blight a few years later on.[thirteen]
- 6:xxx Steel: The Qunari come to Thedas and state in Par Vollen. They conquer information technology quickly, though word of that does non reach the continent.[xv]
- 6:32 Steel: The Qunari ships country en masse in Seheron and northern Rivain.[18] Within ten years, the Qunari conquer the entire island of Seheron and a portion of the mainalnd.[19] The Qunari Wars brainstorm and last for the remainder of the century, and most of the next one.
- vi:35 Steel: The Antivan city of Treviso is conquered by the Qunari.[twenty]
- Past 6:42 Steel: The Qunari have conquered much of the Tevinter Imperium, Rivain, and Antiva and begin to assault the Gratis Marches. [21] Merely Minrathous itself remains besieged just unconquered in the north.[22]
- By 6:85 Steel: Massive rebellions in Tevinter manage to free the Imperium, and the Qunari lines begin to crumble.[23]
- By 7:23 Storm: The Qunari are pushed back to Seheron and Rivain, just they are well entrenched. The Battle of the Nocen Body of water is the largest naval date in history and results in a stalemate and the destruction of many of the ships on both sides. An impasse begins.[22]
- vii:25–vii:85 Storm: The New Exalted Marches are declared repeatedly by both the Imperial Chantry (to retake Seheron and the eastern city of Qarinus) and the Chantry (to retake Rivain).[24] Three major Exalted Marches occur.[25] [19] The Tome of Koslun is stolen from the Qunari by the Orlesians.[citation needed]
- 7:52 Storm: The 2d Exalted March ends with the Qunari recapturing much of Antiva.[24]
- seven:54 Storm: The Qunari took the isle of Estwatch every bit a base of operations in their war against the Free March states, Nevarra, and Orlais.[26]
- 7:55 Storm: The pirates of Llomerryn band together under the banner of the Felicisima Armada to fight the Qunari.[26]
- seven:55 Storm: The 3rd Exalted March on the Qunari is declated.[27]
- vii:56 Storm: During the Third New Exalted March The Qunari state a great forcefulness in the Free Marches near the city of Ostwick. They try to deny supplies to the Thedas armies assaulting Rivain by taking Starkhaven and Kirkwall: the attack on Starkhaven fails, just Kirkwall is taken in a daring night raid with a heavy apply of saarebas' magic.[27] [28]
- vii:threescore Tempest: Orlesian forces led by Ser Michel Lafaille end the Qunari occupation of Kirkwall.[29] [28]
- vii:78 Storm: The Qunari lose Estwatch to the Felicisima Armada.[30]
- 7:84 Tempest: The terminate of the Third New Exalted March. The Qunari had been pushed back to the city of Kont-Aar in northern Rivain and Par Vollen.[30] The Llomerryn Accords are signed and peace is declared betwixt every human nations relieve Tevinter and the Qunari. Skirmishes between Tevinter and the Qunari are few while the Qunari pull back to Par Vollen and rebuild.[31]
- viii:10 Blessed: Qunari invite a grouping of Rivaini diplomats to Par Vollen, the visit helps dispel some myths about Qunari society.[32]
- viii:55 Blest: The Qunari land on the Tevinter island of Seheron and conquer it handily within three years. Several attempts to land on the continent and assail Tevinter directly are repulsed.[33] [19]
- ix:12 Dragon: The Qunari launch a major offensive on Tevinter, but are repelled in a crushing counterattack.[34] Qunari footholds on the Tevinter mainland are destroyed in the counteroffensive.
Involvement [ ]
Dragon Historic period: Origins [ ]
Upon hearing of a Blight starting in Ferelden, the Arishok sends a platoon of the Beresaad south; all but one are killed by darkspawn.
Dragon Age 2 [ ]
In 9:31, a few hundred[35] Qunari are led by the Arishok to come across with Orlesians to reclaim the Tome of Koslun, but to be stolen by a thief. The Qunari fleets give hunt but are caught in a storm and forced to country in Kirkwall.
After a series of provocations, the Qunari launch a full-scale attack on Kirkwall in ix:34. They are driven abroad by the Champion of Kirkwall, Hawke.
In the aftermath of the Qunari set on on Kirkwall, in an unprecedented public display, the two remaining members of the Qunari ruling body traveled to Kont-aar, the only Qunari settlement on mainland Thedas, and made a public statement denouncing and disavowing the Arishok's attack on the city before a crowd of Chantry officials, diplomats and Rivaini seers.[36]
Dragon Age: Inquisition [ ]
In nine:41 Dragon, the Ben-Hassrath became concerned most the Breach and were worried that it could endanger all of Thedas. Thus the Ben-Hassrath ordered 1 of their agents, who has been going under the alias The Iron Balderdash, to join the Inquisition, get shut to the arrangement's leadership, and send back reports to them on the developing situation.
The Fe Balderdash offers the services of himself and his mercenary company, the Balderdash's Chargers, to the Inquisition. Should the Inquisitor hire them and build a decent rapport with Iron Bull, then the Ben-Hassrath will offer an alliance with the Inquisition. The Qunari condemn Corypheus, his Venatori, and the spread of Reddish lyrium and believe this unprecedented alliance could be mutually beneficial in stopping their mutual enemies. Should the Inquisitor take up the Qunari'due south offer, they must accompany The Iron Bull and his Chargers and help the Qunari disrupt a Venatori carmine lyrium shipping functioning on the Tempest Coast. The Qunari fearfulness that if that carmine lyrium shipment reaches Minrathous, the Imperium volition feed it to their slaves and create a Ruby-red Templar regular army to wrest Seheron from them.
The Bull'south Chargers and the Inquisitor'southward party was meant to clear the Storm Declension of the Venatori, then indicate the Qunari dreadnought so it can come up in and take out the smuggler ship. While the Inquisition manages to take out near of the Venatori, the plan went awry when the Chargers' position became overwhelmed by unforeseen Venatori numbers. The Inquisitor can either sacrifice the Chargers to lock down the Venatori then the Qunari dreadnought can destroy the smuggler send—thus preserving the Qunari-Inquisition alliance—or call for the Chargers' retreat which volition permit the Venatori to destroy the dreadnought, allow the smuggler send escape, and cease the Qunari-Inquisition brotherhood.[37]
Trespasser [ ]
In ix:44, using an ancient elven system of transportation known as Eluvians, an allegedly contained Qunari cell under the command of the Viddasala launch the Dragon'due south Jiff operation; an try to simultaneously destroy the leadership of every southern thedosian nation in order to facilitate the conversion of southern Thedas to the Qun. The conspiracy is foiled by the Inquisition with the help of an unknown Elven mage.
With the failure of the Dragon's Jiff plan, the Qunari decide to redouble their efforts confronting Tevinter, launching new assaults on the Imperium.
Dragon Historic period: Tevinter Nights [ ]
Starting effectually 9:44, the Antaam invades Tevinter, unsanctioned by the rest of the Qunari.[38] [39] They capture the cities of Ventus[40], Carastes[41], and Neromenian.[42]
The Qun [ ]
- Main article: Qun
The Qun is the organized religion of the Qunari founded under the Ashkaari Koslun, though information technology is closer to a philosophy than a full-fledged faith. It governs every function of Qunari life, and even the governance structure is dictated past its ethics. Information technology gives every Qunari individual a defined and fixed place in their lodge, either as a soldier (part of the body), a craftsman (part of the mind) or a priest (part of the soul).
Society and civilization [ ]
The main symbol used to represent the Qunari as a people is the House of Tides icon, meant to signify the inevitable triumph of the Qun. It symbolizes the Qunari triumvirate, the iii pillars which govern all of Qunari club through its three primary leaders in all matters of body, listen, and soul.
The Triumvirate [ ]
- Master commodity: Triumvirate
The "torso" is represented by the Arishok and the military, the "heed" by the Arigena and the craftsmen, and the "soul" by the Ariqun and the priests.[43] The Arishok is e'er male person and leads the armies, the Arigena is always female and leads the craftsmen, whilst the Ariqun, whose gender varies, leads the priesthood.[44] All three are the head of their respective "paths" and work in unison to complete the whole of Qunari society.
Duty is paramount in Qunari culture, and their social club is seen as a living entity, whose well-being is the responsibleness of all. Each person is like a drop of claret in the veins of the being, and they must non practice what is best for them, but what is best for all.
Personal identity [ ]
The Qunari do not take a concept of personal identity. While they possess names, they do non apply them, primarily using titles rather than names to identify and present themselves. The names are in fact simply strings of genealogical information used only by the Tamassrans for record-keeping. Some of the name-titles include Sten, Arishok, and Tallis.[5] Nevertheless, they exercise brand frequent utilize of nicknames.
Family ties [ ]
Qunari accept no "family units": they do not ally, cull partners, or even know to whom they are related. A father's role ends at formulation, a mother's ends at birth. A Qunari'southward "family" consists of his or her peers.
Qunari usually do not associate sex with love. Instead there are specific Tamassrans whose job it is to provide sexual release. Qunari who choose to express dear through sexual relationships are sent to be re-educated by the Ben-Hassrath. If a kid is produced, the same thing happens equally with all other Qunari children: the child is sent to be raised past the Tamassrans, evaluated, and assigned a task. Qunari practice non waste resource unnecessarily, people included.[5]
Qunari take been bred for specific roles for a very long time. Parentage is no longer the issue, more like full-blooded. Withal, convenance does not determine a Qunari's assigned task. If a Qunari was bred to exist a soldier merely turns out to exist more intellectual, the Tamassrans may motility him or her into the priesthood, researching weapons engineering science, or the Ben-Hassrath to police the populace, depending on what roles need to be filled by someone with their specific traits.[5]
Qunari love their friends like anyone else does, only they don't have sex activity with them to express intimacy. Even so, at that place is an old tradition where Qunari can prove intimacy with another: the pair finds a dragon's molar, breaks it in half, and each wears a piece to symbolize that no matter how far apart life takes them, they will always be together.[45]
Reverence [ ]
The Qunari are known to agree dragons sacred. High dragons are called Ataashi, "glorious one" in Qunlat. Some of this comes from physical similarities, while some believe that the Tamassrans cultivate dragon blood within the Qunari, allowing some to tap into combat abilities like to Reavers[46]. This, however, does not translate into reverence, as well-nigh Qunari have that dragons are savage creatures that have to be put down in gild to found civilization. It is said that before converting to the Qun, the horned race prayed to animist gods, but such practices were outlawed by the Qun,[47] and thus it would be against the law to openly revere the dragons.
- See besides: Funerary rites
The Qunari call the Fade "the Land of the Dead". Inbound this realm while withal alive is forbidden by the Qun, and the Qunari merits they do not dream like others do.[48] The corpse of a Qunari is considered an insignificant husk that is no longer the private that information technology once was and thus is afforded no special treatment, rather tending of in whatsoever way is most applied. Instead, their tools which they used to perform their job are collected, for instance warriors' swords are considered to be their "souls".[49] [50]
Pedagogy [ ]

Tarot cards depicting a female and male Vashoth in Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Chief article: Education
Qunari social club is based upon learning as well as military machine might. Few speak the common tongue that is used among Thedosians, and even fewer speak it well. For this reason, Qunari often keep tranquillity amongst foreigners, out of shame—in a culture that strives for perfection and mastery, to possess merely a passable caste of skill is humiliating, indeed.
The Tamassrans wield a not bad deal of influence in Qunari society. As it is primarily a female gender role (every bit all administrative tasks are), this might lead an outsider to believe that their club is female-dominated. Qunari practise not, however, expect upon authorities in quite the same mode. The brain could be said to rule the body, merely so too do the center, the lungs, the stomach. All are part of the greater whole.[5]
The Tamassrans raise all the children, give them their general pedagogy, and evaluate them. Qunari are officially assigned their roles when they are twelve years old. The Tamassrans do conduct some tests, but nothing that requires a pencil. They also have something of a head offset on the procedure, as they are the ones who control the Qunari selective breeding program.[five]
Gender roles [ ]
Qunari strongly believe that the genders are inherently and intuitively improve at sure tasks. No matter how much aptitude and promise a male shows for management, he volition never be considered as proficient at it every bit a female, therefore information technology would be considered inefficient and a waste of resource to place him in a role where a woman would serve better. Instead, the Tamassrans observe another part that he shows aptitude for and will identify him there instead. The same goes for females, most Qunari volition notice information technology odd if a female becomes a warrior.[5] The odd, very rare exception is made withal. A male Qunari volition subcontract if he must, just as a female will fight, depending on the circumstance. The Qunari as well have the concept of "Aqun-Athlok," which means "born every bit one gender only living every bit another". A female who shows sincere interest and outstanding talent at fighting will exist considered male regardless of biological sex. For the Qunari, gender is a secondary trait compared to their duty to the Qun.[51]
At that place are fields like philosophy or sciences that make use of both genders, simply fifty-fifty then, there is partitioning by subject area. Men will do one kind of research and women some other. The Ben-Hassrath also count both genders among their ranks, but they too are separated past specialization.
Economy [ ]
The Qunari reject private property. They besides don't take currency, nor practice they appoint in direct bartering: they don't buy and sell things amid one another. "Merchants" in Qunari cities have the job of making sure goods are distributed accordingly.[five] They will nonetheless, trade with the rest of Thedas in a express matter. To the Qunari, this trade is less a way to obtain goods equally an opportunity to learn more about those who do not yet have the Qun as law.
The Qunari actively piece of work to improve methods of production via inquiry and borrowing from conquered people and neighboring cultures. On the other mitt, demands of the individuals are quite express, as having "more houses and clothes" would mean more work to maintain them.[5] In the countryside, Qunari houses are identical and bundled forth perfectly orthogonal lines.[52]
Antaam [ ]

Qunari Beresaad
- Main commodity: Antaam
The Antaam serves every bit the Qunari's military co-operative and are led by the Arishok. The Antaam are metaphorically considered to be the eyes, ears, legs, artillery, and hands of the animate being that makes up Qunari society; everything that one needs to collaborate with the globe, and and then most Qunari encountered by Thedosians vest to the military.
A Female Qunari in Dragon Age: Charade #3
All Qunari are given a tool which signifies their role in Qunari society; for soldiers, this tool is ever a weapon of some kind.[v] In the case of soldiers, at least, to lose this weapon brands the owner equally soulless and one who is to be executed on sight by the Antaam. These items are held in high regard, and upon the owner'southward expiry the Qunari may take the item to honor the fallen individual.
In Qunari society, females cannot be soldiers. While Tallis is an assassin who hunts Tal-Vashoth, she is Ben-Hassrath - a religious enforcer and a member of the priesthood (led by the Ariqun) rather than the military (led by the Arishok). Transgender female-to-male Qunari are welcome in the military machine however and are referred to equally Aqun-Athlok.
Technology [ ]

Qunari dreadnoughts
The Qunari are more technologically advanced than the rest of Thedas, with the exception of the dwarves.[53] Their capital city of Qunandar is famous for dandy domes and aqueducts,[22] their architecture likened to beehives.[54] They have developed an explosive powder ("gaatlok") that is safer than lyrium-based dwarven explosives. Its formula is a secret they carefully guard.
The Qunari cannons and dreadnoughts (or "floating fortresses" - massive wooden ships)[55] allowed them to sweep across northern Thedas and advance far into mainland within ten years from their arrival on the continent. The allied nations relied heavily on the Circle of Magi to counter their cannons and on the Felicisima Armada to counter their fleet.

A dreadnought war ship
The Qunari had too developed a deadly poison ("saar-qamek"), which instills madness in the victim before eventually killing them. This poison can exist inhaled or put on blades to touch on a target'southward bloodstream, nevertheless in that location is at to the lowest degree one antitoxin that can be taken preemptively that will reduce or outright neutralize the poison's effects.
Notable weapons [ ]
- Asala
- Bassrath-Kata
- Sword of the Antaam
Magic [ ]
"As does a drowning human know the ocean, then does a mage know magic"―A Qunari proverb[56]

Chained and masked Qunari mages
The Qunari call their own mages "saarebas", which means "a unsafe thing" in Qunlat. Equally the Qunari believe that mages are ultimately unable to main themselves, each saarebas is entrusted to an "arvaarad" ("one who holds back evil") who bears a command rod. The Qunari practice not blame them for their "defective"[v] and dangerous nature, so they ofttimes pity and accolade saarebas,[57] for lack of a better word. In practice, they are treated little better than attack dogs:[58] They are leashed, shackled, collared, and their mouths are sewn shut. Should they be institute practicing forbidden magic, their tongues are cut out to prevent them from corrupting others.[58] [59] The penalty for leaving their karataam is decease, every bit they are assumed to have been corrupted by demons. The Qunari view this cede, this selflessness - even so unwilling - as the greatest virtue of the Qun. Lacking proper training, saarebas are essentially hedge mages,[60] which does not preclude the Qunari from usage of saarebas forces in warfare, for instance during the showtime[28] and the 2d Qunari invasions of Kirkwall.
Outsiders and converts [ ]

A Tamassran educating converts
The Qunari view other nations as inferiors, kabethari (literally, "those who need to be taught") who are to be conquered and "enlightened", i.e. converted to the Qun. In the newly subdued areas they dismantle families: children are torn away from their parents and raised as Qunari,[five] while adults are sent to "learning" (labor) camps for re-educational activity performed by a branch of the priesthood chosen the Ben-Hassrath. The latter announced to be reasonable if an individual doesn't resist their severe teachings, and a new catechumen, or viddathari, may take a high position in the Qunari society.
In fact, information technology is possible for a human, elven or dwarven viddathari to become Ariqun, Arigena or Arishok should they prove the merit for the role. Nonetheless, this is naturally less likely than a qunari taking the role, given their far greater numbers in the Qun.[61]
Refusal to cooperate is seen as illness to be cured, and those who resist are taken to the viddathlok, temples defended to healing. What happens later is not quite clear, but information technology is known that the Qunari employ a substance chosen qamek to plow them into mindless laborers[62] forced into indentured servitude or sent to mines or construction camps. Some would render, inverse in profound ways, some would perish of exhaustion or starvation and some would be slain.
When the Qunari were pushed dorsum during the Exalted Marches, the Chantry and nationalist forces purged numerous Qunari converts and buried them in mass graves, nearly notably in Rivain[63], Nocen Fields, and Marnas Pell in Tevinter.[threescore] Subsequently the beingness of the purge has been officially denied to have ever happened.
Basalit-an [ ]
The Qunari call outsiders bas ("matter") and consider them unfortunate beings who, however, have a potential to grow if the Qun'due south wisdom is imparted to them.[58] The best an outsider tin can hope for amongst the Qunari is to exist considered a basalit-an, "worthy of respect"; a basalit-an is a worthy foe, and one that can be negotiated with to an extent, but still bas regardless.[64] The characters which are known to be named with that championship are the following:
- The Warden, perhaps named by Sten if Sten's approving level is loftier enough and The Sword of the Beresaad quest is completed, and the Warden dies killing the Archdemon. If the quest is competed, Sten may besides refer to the Warden as kadan, and even ashkaari, for locating Asala.
- Hawke, possibly named past the Arishok.

- King Alistair, as named by the new Arishok (Sten)[65]
- Inquisitor, maybe named by Gatt's superiors if the dreadnought is saved during Demands of the Qun.
Language [ ]
- Main article: Qunlat
Qunlat is the Qunari language. Few among the Qun's people speak the common natural language, and fewer speak information technology well. In a civilisation that strives for mastery, to have only a passable degree of skill is perhaps embarrassing, so Qunari often go along tranquility among foreigners.[66]
Notable Qunari [ ]
- For a consummate list of known Qunari, see Category:Qunari.
- Arishok
- Ashkaari Koslun
- Gatt
- Jerran
- The Inquisitor (conditional)
- Iron Bull
- Ketojan
- Rasaan
- Salit
- Sten
- Tallis
- Viddasala
Codex entries [ ]
Codex entry: The Qunari
Codex entry: Par Vollen: The Occupied Northward
Codex entry: The Qunari
Codex entry: Qunari of Other Races
Codex entry: The Ben-Hassrath
Codex entry: Qunari Tamassrans
Codex entry: Ben-Hassrath Reeducators
Notes [ ]

Qunari in Seeker armor
- "Kossith" is an antiquated technical name that is just used by tamassrans to describe the horned race before most of it was converted to the Qun. A few members of the Qunari priesthood may recognize the word, but to everyone in Thedas, they're but "Qunari" or "Tal-Vashoth". Other races sometimes refer to them as "giants" or "ox-men" as well.
- All the races in Thedas are said to alive approximately the same length of natural life, but Qunari have adult advanced medicine and sanitation, which allows them to extend their life span to some degree.[67]
- No Qunari has ever joined the Grey Wardens. In that location are, withal, rumours of several Tal-Vashoth taking the Joining in recent decades.[68]
- The Qunari claim that they practice not dream equally humans and elves practise. This claim is difficult to dispute as they are rarely encountered in the Fade.[69] It should be noted, nonetheless, that Sten instantly understands he is dreaming if you take him on the Cleaved Circle quest, and the Fe Bull asks Solas if he always flies or "bangs hot Fade ladies" while "doing his Fade thing," demonstrating a articulate grasp of common dream themes. Saarath, a saarebas, outright states that he had "dreams of demons", farther disproving the claim.[70]
- Female person Qunari or Kossith produce ogres if they turn into broodmothers.
- The qunari race is insinuated to have an innate savagery- a trait common amidst Reavers. Sten for case has exhibited bouts of uncontrollable murderous rage and Iron Bull states he revels in the brutality of gainsay. The qunari race may exist so fanatical to the rigorous tenets of the Qun because it tames their savage impulses.
- If Morrigan's son Kieran is born with the soul of an Old God, he will comment sadly to Qunari Inquisitors that their blood does not belong to their people.
- If the Qunari Inquisitor sides with the Templars, Corypheus in his memories refers to them as "a beast of strange blood".[71] During the final battle, Corypheus taunts the Qunari Inquisitor by saying "What practise they call yous, a Qunari? Your blood is engorged with decay, your race is non a race, it is a mistake!"
- Chained Qunari are depicted on an ancient Tevinter mosaic called Freed Are Slaves.[72]
Trivia [ ]
- In addition to Qunari and Tal-Vashoth, there are qunari born outside of the Qun who are chosen Vashoth. These individuals are potentially as ignorant of the ways of the Qun as non-Qunari in Thedas, however they are redeemable in the optics of the Qunari, unlike the Tal-Vashoth.[73]
- Qunari were always supposed to have horns. They were cut from Dragon Age: Origins. because otherwise Sten would be unable to wear a helmet.[74] [75]
- The absence of cookies in the Qunari civilization is explained by their efficiency; nearly cultures initially develop cookies and cakes as a fashion to employ upwards leftover batter from other things. Qunari plan ahead too well to have leftovers.[five]
- There is a concept fine art image of a Qunari wearing an armour with the Seekers of Truth heraldry on it in Dragon Age II: The Consummate Official Guide.
See also [ ]
- Tales of the Destruction of Thedas, in which a section of the book is dedicated to the Qunari.
Gallery [ ]
Qunari Concept
Hornless female and male Qunari[76]
Concept art for Dragon Historic period II
Qunari in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Qunari Inquisitor
A moodboard for the Qunari, depicting their architecture, weaponry, and various types of Qunari and Tal-Vashoth
External links [ ]
- Qunari on BioWare wiki.
References [ ]
Qun | ||
Foundations | Ashkaari Koslun (Tome of Koslun) | |
Triumvirate | Arishok· Arigena· Ariqun | |
Qunari | Antaam· Arvaarad· Ben-Hassrath· Saarebas· Tamassrans | |
See also | Qamek· New Exalted Marches· Qunlat· Kossith· Tal-Vashoth |
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